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Case Study Drug Free Africa

June 12, 2024

Compost discussed the support they have received from us with Drug Free World Africa. Discover their insights on our contributions.

The organisation

Compost spoke to Drug Free World Africa about the support they have received from us.  

Drug Free World Africa UK (DFWA) was established in 2020.

“We teach the trust about drugs, dangers of drug abuse, the dangers and the effects in the body, make informed decisions, targeting youths especially, more energy diverted there so that they are not influenced by peer pressure. Yes to food and not drug abuse.”

The person

China Nkaru


The ask

When DFWA UK first contacted Compost Newham they had been awarded People Powered Places (PPP) funding from Newham Council. The funding came with several pre-requisites and the group needed guidance regarding how to navigate obtaining funding and to meet the requirements necessary for drawing down the funds such as policies etc.  

Our response

Marilyn Mensah, Community Engagement Officer at Compost Newham supplied the organisation with templates to create policies, reviewed documentation such as the risk assessment and inputting into the design of the consultation exercise due to take place.  

This support took the form of emails and phone calls over a period of two months.  

During this time Compost Newham was able to support DFWA UK in producing a Risk Assessment, Safeguarding policy, Project plan and signposting with regards to a Safeguarding policy and Insurance.

Their feedback

As an individual, the support given to China contributed to her personal development. It enabled her to feel calm, reassured and not fearful regarding her work. China received more knowledge regarding what was required in creating a risk assessment and felt more experienced and a greater sense of awareness.  

The organisation developed robust policies, their profile was raised, they became compliant with the Newham Council PPP requirements and therefore eligible to receiving funding.  

From the time Compost Newham was introduced, they were a tangible source of support and advice. An email address is useful, but the contact number was invaluable in ensuring accessibility to obtaining guidance and support.  

Compost Newham has made a difference to the sector by creating connections and networks in the sometimes-complex world of the voluntary sector.

What they think the sector needs going forwards

Going forwards the sector needs more funders' fairs.

“Compost Newham has done a brilliant job in terms of bringing together like minded people for training, guidance, support and organisational forecasting.”

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