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Case Study SAMAFAL

June 11, 2024

Meet Samal CIC. Learn how they received support through the Compost Newham project delivered by our team.

The organisation

Compost spoke to Samafal CIC about the support they have received from us.  

Samafal CIC was established in June 2013. Samafel provides advice and advocacy for the local community in particular East African community and individuals.    

The person

Osman Mohamed

The ask

When Samafal CIC first made contact with Compost Newham the enquiry was with regards to the options available to obtain grant funding.

Our response

Marilyn Mensah, Compost Newham Community Engagement Officer, sent Samafal CIC a list of potential funders for the groups to choose from.

The support given to the organisation also included support with GrantFinder searches, emails, phone calls and invitations to attend networking events.

Their feedback

Through this interaction, Samafal CIC were able to connect with other groups, attend network meetings, form partnerships and obtain funding.  

By attending the networking events, Osman grew in confidence when meeting and working with new groups. His leadership skills were also developed through these interactions.  

ices they provide have been showcased leading to more people knowing about their work. There has also been a strong sense of community cohesion while working with others at events.  

From when Compost Newham started working with Samafal CIC to the current time, they have become more aware of what is going on in Newham. They have learnt about more funding opportunities and have been introduced to more funders. They know that if they require support, they can reach out to the team at Compost Newham.  

In their opinion, Compost Newham makes a difference to groups because they know and understand the need of local communities and use this knowledge to support grassroot organisations.  

Compost Newham has made a difference in the sector by providing capacity building support to groups like no other organisation. Struggling organisations know that they can turn to Compost Newham for support.

What they think the sector needs going forwards

Going forward, the sector needs to continue to give this type of support to groups. There is a need for resources and support on how to get things done as some organisations do not have the knowledge and skills to progress. A ‘hands on’ approach is invaluable where groups get support in terms of completing forms and compiling documentation.    

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